The Annual Escapades Auction
The Rotary Club of Kent Foundation
March 1, 2025
Lindbloom Student Center at Green River College
12401 SE 320th St, Auburn, WA 98092
Doors open at 5:00 pm | Dinner at 7:00pm
To buy tickets, click HERE.
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For information on Sponsor opportunities, click HERE.
To be a Sponsor, click HERE.
For a form to donate something to the auction, click HERE.
To use the online portal to donate something to the auction, click HERE.
To donate cash online, click HERE and see the bottom of the page.
Why support the Rotary Club of Kent Foundation?
With your help in 2024, we raised approximately $100,000 for the greater Kent community and our international projects, including:
- Backpack Buddies, our club’s program to provide weekend food to students experiencing food insecurity;
- College scholarships to local high school seniors;
- Community grants; and
- International projects.
The Rotary Club of Kent has been serving the greater Kent Community since 1958. The Rotary Club of Kent Foundation is the Club’s 501(c)(3) foundation to which tax deductible donations can be made. All the net proceeds of our annual auction will be used to support our local and international projects, including food and water insecurity scholarships, education, and other community service non-profit organizations. None of the funds raised at the auction benefit the Club or its members.
NOON at Kent Covenant Church
On the 1st , 2nd and 4th TUESDAY of each month.
3rd Tuesdays are evening socials at different locations TBD.
Lunch is available at noon meetings for $20.
The Rotary Club of Kent celebrates the fun of fellowship,
the inspiration of achievement, the hope of improvement
and the kindness in all of us.
We don’t just meet weekly, we get together after hours,
and on weekends, to help others and to have fun together.
Find out more about us here and at our Facebook page at
Our latest community activities include:
Community Awards Celebration*
Congratulations to 2024's recipients of Kent Rotary Scholarships:
Rylan Renggli, Maritza Mendoza Sandoval, Dominique Smith, Morgan Martinsons,
Charles Shaffer, Hana Amos, Rylan Gullard, Kaiulani Sale'-Ayala
Kent Parks Youth Fishing Experience*
Kent Rotary helped pay to stock 1800 fish to the Old Fishing Hole
for a morning of fishing for children 14 years of age and younger.
Backpack Buddies*
At the Kent Area PTSA Council Founders Day Dinner, the Rotary Club of Kent received the Spirit of Community Award for Backpack Buddies!
Every month during the school year, Kent Rotary offers volunteers from the community to join us to pack up to 900 bags of food for elementary school children to have each weekend.
*these activities and more funded through Escapades
Kent Food Bank
Every Monday afternoon Kent Rotarians and other volunteers meet at the Kent Food Bank to pack approximately 150 bags of food to be delivered to 75 households by Door Dash courtesy of United Way.
Kent Rotarians also:
Network with, and hear from, leaders in the community.
Adopt a Street Clean Ups every three months
collect school supplies for needy students to Fill the Bus!
Develop Leadership Skills
Have Fun!
Do Business With Each Other:
Interested in joining? CLICK HERE