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bpd car of bags

Since 2015, the Rotary Club of Kent has been providing bags of food to some of the neediest elementary schools in the Kent School District as part of a weekend food program.  Educators agree it is hard for students to learn when they are hungry.  What started with just two schools has expanded to ten.

bpb line crew

Each month during the school year, the Rotary Club of Kent, and dozens of volunteers of all ages, gather at Seattle's Union Gospel Mission Distribution Center at 8226 S. 208th St. in Kent, to pack as many as 900 bags in approximately 45 minutes. Each week during the school year, those bags of food are delivered to more than 200 children in our community that otherwise might not have sufficient food during the weekends. The Backpack Buddy Program would not be possible without the dedication of volunteers to make the world a better place.

bpb volunteers

We count ourselves very fortunate - with your help - to be able to support some of the most vulnerable members of our community. At our annual fundraising auction (Escapades) we are able to secure funds to continue the program into the next school year. But we don't want to stop there. If we were able to partner with local groups like clubs, churches, PTAs, businesses etc. for volunteering and fund raising, we might be able to expand the program to reach even more needy children. 

For more information on how to participate or support this program, check out our Facebook Events Page for Monthly Backpack Packing Party. If you know anyone who would like to support this program financially so that it can expand, please let us know.  

Links to articles, pictures and videos about the Backpack Buddy program:


CLICK HERE for further information on how to donate to our foundation.


Thank you to our financial and facility supporters:






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