Each year the Rotary Club of Kent funds one or more international projects to promote health, education or economic development.  Here are some recipients of our funds:


Twegashe Primary School, Tanzania:

The Rotary Club of Kent is partnering with Seattle International District Rotary and other local clubs to provide solar electricity for a new school in rural Tanzania.

The Twegashe Primary School currently has 88 students, taught by a single teacher and had no electricity or running water.  Our club agreed to contribute $1500 to support the Seattle International Club's solar electricity project for the new school.

The classroom ceilings are in.  The windows and roof of the first teacher duplex have been installed, and work on the second duplex has begun.

With your help, we’ve come a long way from the bare grassy hillside of exactly one year ago when construction began!  Thank you for your continued support as we join with people around the country and around the globe to move forward toward the goal of making the world a better and more just place for everyone!

The Twegashe School gives children in rural Tanzania a chance at a quality education.


Acuru Village, Uganda:

Acuru Village is a war-torn village in Uganda. Most live on less than $1 per day. Our support provides malaria prevention, economic empowerment (providing beehives and goats), and clean drinking water for the children at the local school.





Check out this video describing their work:


Education in these rural villages was so forgotten for so long. And then, step by step, the students are now willing to work to achieve, so they can continue on to University - which was nothing but a "thing" that some people did, but not them. We've been in on this from its beginnings, first some bookshelves - which they didn't even know how to build at that time, then some wells for local clean water, sanitation stations to recycle waste into free fertilizer, a school house so they could get a teacher, desks so the students did not sit on the floor. And now transitional scholarships to allow students to go to University, when previously education stopped at Grade 4 - if any at all was available.

Kent Rotary has made a difference in Ethiopia!

ALL juniors and seniors know about the transitional scholarships.  There has been enough growth in the number of junior and senior students that another area school will also teach grades 11 and 12.  BUT the students wouldn't agree to go there until they got word from Project Ethiopia that they would also be eligible for the transition scholarships. Rotary's funds will help us to expand this program to 60 awardees!

Exhibiting the motivation in the lower grades: one school added the capacity to serve all grades 1 to 8, had all 50 8th graders take the entry test for 9th grade (high school in Dangla town) and ALL 50 passed the test and will be part of the group of students who we hope will finish high school and possibly get a transition award to university.

What improvement for the future students in the entire area. 



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